Email Accounts for Groups and Projects

Email Accounts for Groups and Projects

Do you need an email address or account for your group or project? This page explains the options.

There are four main options for a group/project email address:

  1. create a Sympa email list.
  2. create an Office 365 shared mailbox.
  3. create a shared DavisMail (Gmail) mailbox.
  4. explore advanced options

The following table explains the differences between these options:

  Sympa Email List Office 365 Shared Mailbox DavisMail Shared Mailbox
Cost Free Free Free
How it works When an email is sent to the list address, it will be delivered to all subscribers to the list. Email to the list can optionally be archived on the Sympa website (public or private). When an email is sent to the shared mailbox address, it will be stored in the mailbox. All users with access to the mailbox can see email sent to the associated address, email sent from the address, and mail stored in any folders associated with the mailbox. When an email is sent to the shared mailbox address, it will be stored in the mailbox. All users with access to the mailbox can see email sent to the associated address, email sent from the address, and mail stored in any folders associated with the mailbox.
Good For

Distributing email to a group of people, e.g., an announcement or discussion list.

Serving as a contact address for a group or project when only one person will be responding.

Serving as a contact address for a group or project when more than one person will be responding.

Ensuring that all mail related to the group or project, including mail sent from the account or sorted into folders, is available to everyone who has access to the mailbox.

Works best when all people accessing the mailbox are Office 365 users (generally faculty and staff).

Serving as a contact address for a group or project when more than one person will be responding.

Ensuring that all mail related to the group or project, including mail sent from the account or sorted into folders, is available to everyone who has access to the mailbox.

Works best when all people accessing the mailbox are DavisMail users (generally students, including graduate students).

Bad For Situations where multiple people need to see both incoming mail, sent mail, and mail in folders.

Situations where the people who need to see the email sent to the mailbox address change frequently or need to be able to self-subscribe.

Situations where many people are simultaneously reading and responding to messages.

Situations where the people who need to see the email sent to the mailbox address change frequently or need to be able to self-subscribe.

Situations where many people are simultaneously reading and responding to messages.

Get Started Any UC Davis affiliate can request a new Sympa email list (or manage an existing list if you are an owner) at Please submit a ticket to LS IT. Please submit a ticket to LS IT.

Advanced Options

The next step up from a shared mailbox is generally a ticketing system, which adds workflow to the email process. There are both UC Davis and third-party options available at a monthly cost. Contact LS IT to explore options to meet your needs and budget.
